
Day 3
2003-11-17 - 5:50 p.m.

HEy hey! It's Monday and Iwent to the doctor and he's says I'm fine....goood deal. We are going to try something new with my meds...which I am happy aboput because I'm really not sure if they are doing any good. I'm still pretty nurotic if you ask me and still pretty addicted. Its shameful that I I want to hide from all people...if they only knew, I think sometimes. But I want to have human interaction 9other than with my mom and brother) ACK! It's so hard...I just feel lonely and can't seem to find the strenghth to put myself out there on that "Hello my name is...." limb and just stand there for the world to see and know. I know. I know. was your day?

I went to Pittsburgh today. I lovw the 'burgh! I really think I will end up back there someday. Itt make me happy. Not sure why, maybe becasue I have memories and feelings of being whole and independent there. My fisrt job and all. I should go visit my das but it's so hard to get awyt hese days becuase with the holidays I have all these commitments here at Wheeling. Oh well I'll survive.

yesterday - tomorrow

I am here - 2004-03-13
Cheese - 2004-03-09
Save the Whale-less - 2004-03-08
Martha - 2004-03-06
No Drama Day - 2004-03-05